The trip away was meant to be ‘doing nothing.’

Well, biking into Galt from our lakeside AirBnB cottage was about 15 minutes through parks and over gorgeous little streams. Then the city of Galt – Cambridge is actually a conglomerate of two towns and two villages, and each one continues to insist on it’s distinction, Galt being one of them – charmed us with its lovely set of older buildings set against the backdrop of the gorgeous Grand River. After lots of walking, and a coffee, we headed back to the cottage for a rest.

On the way home, I got my dress caught in my brakes. That’s never happened before. And the grease stained that section entirely black. Never fear, I’ve a plan: dying this vintage lace dress black. I’ll let you know how that goes and show you the results….when I get around to it. Back to school craziness is right here you know.

Dress – Vintage via Etsy
Boots – thrifted