I don’t think so. I’m not much into positive thinking. In fact, it kind of drives me up the wall. Why ignore the reality in the faint hope that it’ll change. I’m not really a pessimist – despite people who think I always think of the worst case scenario. As much as I try to be jaded and cynical I fail, as a friend pointed out to me over drinks. So, label me a realist. And that means that sometimes you’re not a happy-go-lucky person. It means that when the circumstances suck, you acknowledge that they do, and you feel crappy about them.
I personally don’t think there’s a problem with that. Yes dwelling is not good, or exaggerating things, or spiraling down into depression. But I see nothing wrong with being sad, or angry, or frustrated over a certain set of circumstances. Every feeling has a certain benefit to it.
To put it another way:
You’re standing and you suddenly look up to see a piano falling down on you. The pessimist despairs and sees no way out, and is crushed. The optimist thinks she’ll be okay, or that it will miss her, and is crushed. The realist sees it, feels the danger and fear, and moves out of the way. Then, if you’re me, goes and finds out who the hell threw a piano!?
*Here endeth the lesson*
Carolynn Markey
March 4, 2014I'm an optimist 😛 hehe. But I don't think I'd be crushed. <_<
anyway, I'm sorry you are going through a hard time. Hugs!
Joanna Haughton
March 7, 2014Spoken like a true optimist. Awesome 🙂
March 5, 2014i'll have to agree, i don't see anything wrong with being sad or angry, or ever feeling a certain way thats not happy. there's this patrick wolf song called accident & emergency and some lyrics that always stick me are
"'if you never lose
How're you gonna know when you've won?
And if it's never dark
How're you gonna know the sun"
p.s. lovin the flares like always 🙂
at this volume
Joanna Haughton
March 7, 2014Exactly. I really think all emotions are helpful, and you can learn from them all. And regarding the flares, thanks 😉
Martha Woods
March 5, 2014I'm a realist too. People accuse me of being pessimistic, but I don't see the point of living with my head in the ground hoping things will magically work out! I do try to look on the bright side of things though. I guess it's a balancing act.
Joanna Haughton
March 7, 2014Right there with you! And yes it's all a balancing act – too much one way is not good, in my opinion.