Sunglasses & Tee – F21
White shirt – Smart Set
Cargos – Esprit Shoes – Sketchers

I was recently cuddling with my baby and had this crazy thought:  She’s part of my body.  Well, not actually, we’re not Siamese mother-daughter of anything, but she was grown and created out of my body material.  She grew inside me – we shared a blood supply.  That’s a freaky thought, that you share a blood supply with another person.  I was a little freaked out.  Then Andrew said, ” Yeah, you did good. High five!” and she grinned her toothy grin right on cue.  I did do good.

On the same note though…

I quit!  She’s in bed, Andrew away for the night at work and I quit!  I quit being a mama.  I’m going to go watch Stargate SG1, play Civilization on my computer, and have a stiff drink of good ol’ scotch. 
This Mama’s off the clock!

p.s. Happy Birthday to my Husband!  I might even let you sleep in today….maybe.

Quote of Today:
“She laughed so hard she farted in my hand.”