Baby was so cute playing and babbling in her crib first thing this morning!
Here it is, part two of this week’s Random Sunday post.  

This morning my Mom and I went to get haircuts.  I have been going to Tanya for years.  Not only is she beautiful, cool, and super nice, but she’s an amazing hairstylist to boot!  *I realize I should’ve taken a better photo of the fabulous lady in question, but alas, I did not*  I started going to her many moons ago, and have followed her everywhere.  I kept telling my Mom to go see her for about a year, and when she finally went she fell in love and has not gone anywhere else since.  These days she works out of her home, located in Mississauga.  So if you’re in the GTA and need a great stylist, email me…I’ll give you her number. 

My Mom getting her hair washed by Tanya.
 And since I said I was getting a haircut, here it is:

Ta Da!

*you’re getting a sneak peek at the dress post I’ll be doing tomorrow*

Once home,  Husband and I headed out for his birthday lunch while my Mom and Babcia watched the little munchkin.   He had wanted to go for sushi, but it was closed; so we went to a ‘European’ restaurant, which was really just Polish food.  If I had wanted that, I would’ve stayed home.  But no, seriously, it was yummy.
Since he considers himself and honorary Pole by marriage, he had to get a Polish beer with lunch.
Then it was dessert at the local organic coffee roastery.
The day was topped off with playing with Baby, a walk, and now it’s time for some herbal tea.  
I know, we’re wild!
And that’s our Sunday. Goodnight.  See y’all tomorrow!