


Tropical Kimono – Somedays Lovin’  via Threadsence  //  Shirt and Pants – Free People  //  Necklace – Vanessa Mooney  //  Knuckle ring – I forget  //  Brass Ring – Body Blue  //  Shoes – Threadsence

Sometimes the behind the scenes of these outfit pictures are the better story than the pictures.  Not thirty minutes ago I fell on my bike and thought I broke my toe.  Did I go to the hospital?  No.  The Doctor?  No.  I stopped to take outfit photos, then joined a friend for coffee, and went to a fun Guess event.  Then rode my bike home.

I did however, buy a tension bandage along the way and wrap my toe for the night’s festivities.  Luckily, by the time I got home, I was pretty sure that despite being black *eek!  Yes it was/is black and bruised* that it’s nothing too serious since I was in relatively little pain with no pain killers…as long as I didn’t try to walk on it.

*SuperHero Stance* I laugh in the face of pain!