Category :Gray

Roller Coaster Week

Well, last week was super eventful, in a roller coaster sort of way.

I Forget…


…to feed me sometimes.

Folk Rock ‘n Roll.

I sometimes feel that with the way I dress, I should be the front man for some sort of folk rock ‘n roll band.

Artful Dirty Secret

I’ll share my weird fascination with you guys.

A Lazy Long Weekend

This weekend could have been a flurry of activity.

Busy Days, Restorative Days

Yeah, all our days are busy. With work, errands, obligations, yadda yadda.

I Don’t Care…

…what you wore.
…how much you make.
…what you drive.
…who you’re sleeping with.
…what show you were on (actors).

You Could Say I’m Intoxicated With Summer

I’ve had a little too much. If there is such a thing.


Everyone has their go-to, or rather a few go-tos.

Hot Yoga and Punching Things

I’m not really a yoga person.

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