Category :Chasing Unicorns

Show Some Love

Today’s a great day to show someone your love.

Portrait of an Introvert Going to a Party

We party….

Crystal Beach

After a much earned meal, a visit to the beach was a must.

Bike to Paris

After a stop at the Lavender Farm and a walk around their delightful fields…

Ugly Clothes

I got rid of my ugly clothes.

Nourishment in One Place

“As in childhood, they become fixated on one person, whom they see as their sole source of well-being. They transfer this desperate attitude to their relationships, believing all of their nourishment can be provided by one person only: their particular mate” – Zen and the Art of Falling in Love.


I had a chance to catch up with a friend. She has struggled at times. At times with health, other times with love.

Crochet and Buying Clothes Online

If I have a serious weakness, it’s that of crochet dresses.

Vintage Shopping Spree: Trinity Bellwoods Yard Sale

So it’s well established by now that I don’t do malls or shops very well at all.

So Am I…

So am I the only one

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