When a big, big bug finds its way onto your patio doors, you grab your macro lens ASAP.
Morning gorge hike. This meant that as always we didn’t take the official trail, but headed in, saw some great sites, some people tubing the rapids, and then had to climb out and hop a fence to get back on the trail.
Destination: Elora. First Stop: The Quarry.
This grand house in Toronto, built to be a castle. We’ve gone to events here, and we’ve taken the tour.
This is one of those places not a lot of people know about.
When the growth of the town accelerated, the lovely maple trees around town started dying because of the pollution and age.
Our Mother/Daughter trip out of town started with a drive through the Ontario swamps – you know, the ones that grow all our food.
A girlfriend and I decided to go out for a girl’s trip and head to Unionville.
If you choose to go off the highway, you might find some interesting sights.
In full view of the Peace Bridge stands the monument to Alonzo Clark Mather. The architect and dreamer of the Peace bridge.