I recently binged the Chronicles of Riddick Trilogy. Yup, that’s right, you read that correctly. I totally binged it. I’ve gone back to it again and again. It’s pure campy, over the top fun and I unabashadely love it. The action, the monsters, the sci fi, and of course Riddick’s badassness. It’s pure delight, for a sci fi nerd. It’s as fun and as ‘useless’ as twirling a skirt round and round, in that it achieves absolutely nothing, yet absolutely everything.

It makes you smile, and it makes you feel better. So yeah, I’m going to twirl my frilly skirts and watch my Riddick and sit in the contradiction that it is.


Top – hand me down
Dress – Tree of Life
Boots – Gypsy Found Objects
Belt & Necklace – Threadsence