Yes this post is exactly how it sounds. It’s a whole bunch of pictures from my trip to Washignton DC.

There are so many stories from the trip. Many that I could go on and on about. Overall, it was a city full of sites, and amazing eye opening experiences. Things that I won’t talk about here as they’re highly personal. I also finally got that the Jeffersonian in “Bones” is the fictional Smithsonian. I know, it took me that long. I think it finally clicked in at my third Smithsonian museum. If you get the chance, I suggest spending a lot of time in the Museums, they’re really great. And the National Gallery of Art is stunning. Just amazing.  I spent two hours just in the Italian and French paintings.

But as a Political Science major I loved seeing all the grand buildings. White House, Library of Congress, Supreme Court, the FBI building, the Pentagon, the DOJ buildings, and on and on. I geek out about that too.

It was so cool to walk around and see some many great things. Not pictured here are Georgetown, U-Street, Adams Morgan, and a whole bunch of other amazing sights and neighborhoods. I could talk forever about the good and the bad, but it’s certainly a city that needs to be experienced.

If you’d like to see more, I highly suggest clicking over to my Instagram to see the things I haven’t posted here – silly things like great places to get a treat, or the Exorcist Steps, or my new sunglasses because I totally forgot mine even though it’s usually my brush. Yes, this is the first trip I’ve gone on where I actually remembered to bring my hairbrush. Don’t laugh, it’s a big deal for a woman with hair down to her waist.

Side note: yes, the studio model of the USS Enterprise is posted in both places. Don’t hate the geek girl.


Lincoln Memorial, Library of Congress, Washington Monument as seen from the top of the Lincoln Memorial.


The White House.


Capital Building, Lincoln Memorial, Smithsonian Castle


Pictures from the Air and Space Museum including a satellite, and the USS Enterprise.


Arlington Cemetery


Supreme Court of the United States, Capital Building, Library of Congress, and JFK’s & Jackies gravesite.