…I have two sides. The outward extrovert side that likes to go out and dance, laugh, and probably likes dirty jokes waaaaaaaaayy too much, and the introvert side that gets hurt, feels things deeply, and strains not to show it.
I’m not unique in this, in fact I believe I’m quite pedestrian in this, but since it’s my site I felt like saying it anyway. But because it’s not unique, it means that most of us are that way. And though sometimes it’s great to dance and tease and tell jokes, sometimes it also behooves us to genuinely ask, “How are you? I want to know” or to say, “You know, I care about you a lot. Just wanted you to know that.”
I know, I have high expectations.
Playsuit – Auguste via Mika + Max Boutique
Boots – DIYed by me
Bag – Threadsence
Necklace – bought in Europe
Belt – F21
Cardi – UO
July 18, 2016At last! Someone who unnsertadds! Thanks for posting!
July 19, 2016You’re welcome