“To observe people and find pleasure in their individual traits. To wish to afford scope for the interests and pleasures of those with whom you are brought into contact without desiring to acquire power over them or to secure their enthusiastic admiration.” *Bertrand Russell*

I try to live by this. That is the goal anyway, and I like to think I achieve it – leaving room for doubt because I am human after all and therefore prone to f**king up like all of us.

I find it jarring when I see hostility directed from exactly the opposite of what Russell says: the inability to find pleasure in individual traits, or the desire to have power over. To be fair, I find it jarring when it’s directed my way, because my thought is always, “I’m a messed up, imperfect human, so? You’re imperfect too, by the way.”

But that’s me. The woman who loves straight forward honesty and clear communication. You know, *metaphorical* bright flashing neon signs over subtlety. So what do I know?

But my point, if I have one, is this: if we have coffee/drinks on a regular basis or sit in a park together or what have you, then I love you. I see your faults clearly, and I love you. I try not to spend my free time with those I don’t have affection for, life is too short.









 Skirt – Spell Designs via Turquoise Lane Shop //  Shirt – H&M  //  Crop top – Brandy Melville  //  Sunnies – UO  //  Boots – DIYed by me //  Leaf Necklace & ring – F21  //  Blue Ring – Fair Trade fair