Top – Free People
// Skirt – Ruche
// Sweater, Tights & Necklaces – F21 // Jacket – Ariztia // Socks – UO
// Boots – I forget // Bag – Target
Well, there you have it. Snow has come. We had a big snowfall. You know what that means? No more denial for me. I can no longer deny that the cold temperatures are here to stay, try as I might.
For a while there, I could ignore the frozen fingers as they worked the tripod and buttons, but once you’re getting snowed on and the scenery is pure white, well, there’s only so far delusions can take you, am I right?
Or maybe I’m not trying hard enough.
December 1, 2014Hmm, you could pretend you're going color blind? My understanding is that some color blind folk see green as white…
Joanna Haughton
December 3, 2014Yeah, but I would still feel the cold 🙁 Trust me, I've thought of it all 😉
December 2, 2014You sure look stunning with that beautiful white background.
Joanna Haughton
December 3, 2014Thanks. Plain white always looks great in shots 🙂
Cody Doll
December 9, 2014Your so freakin cute. I want your closet girl! haha. But no worries, I am slowly working on mine. Going to be doing a total revam in January.
Living in Florida lets me have denial all day long. It still gets cold here (not heavy -40 jacket cold though). I am not looking forward to colder months either. Luckily I think I can hang on til January.
Joanna Haughton
December 10, 2014Hahaha. Thanks! I'd totally be happy to share 🙂 And slowly is the way to do it. Collect things you love and the rest will follow 🙂
Also, I'm frowning with jealousy right now over your fabulous weather. Grrrrr…. 😛