It’s warm and sunny, so of course she just has to wear her mitts to go outside and wait for the bus. The clincher was also that she insisted on carrying her own bag, no matter what I did or how many times I offered. This of course, made me look like worst mother of the year to all the passengers and passersby. They all gave me the look that said, “I can’t believe you’re making her carry that big bag.” If they only knew. *sigh*
Artsy VaVa
May 26, 2013I'm sure most people knew that your little one is headstrong and just wants to do things on her own.And for the ones who don't understand that, they've probably never had children!
Joanna Haughton
May 27, 2013That's what I kept telling myself. Still I felt really bad watching her struggle with it – but she wouldn't hand it over. Thanks!
May 26, 2013I wouldn't worry about what other people think…you made your little one happy & that's what counts.
Joanna Haughton
May 27, 2013Yeah, she was happy that she was carrying her own bag. And so very proud despite dragging it across the ground. Thanks!
Maria @Crash Driving Courses
June 4, 2013I think you are correct. Most of the people blame others without knowing the exact situation. So don’t make yourself feel bad.
Joanna Haughton
June 4, 2013Thanks for the words of encouragement!