Dress – Ruche
Sweater – Threadsence or Ruche
Tights – F21
Boots – Feet First
Necklace – gift from my Aunt.
This long weekend, though I’m working, I’m hoping to enjoy some bbq and sunshine with my family.  I’m excited about a shoot I’ve got coming up on Monday – should be fun to shoot a couple of friends I’ve known for over a decade! Oh, and do you know how much I love getting fan feedback?  So much!  Read about that and more here on my acting site.
But in all this I am in some real fear.  I had a nightmare that I left home on the bus and it wasn’t until I got down to the subway (15 minutes away) that I realized that I had left Baby home alone.  In my dream I panicked and jumped into a cab right away.  Then I woke up so I have no idea how the dream ends, but I’ll tell you this, it really scared me.  It scared me because I’m so exhausted right now, that I can feasible imagine myself leaving the house and forgetting that she’s home alone with no one to watch her.  It’s ridiculous because I know I never would, but it’s a fear, a phobia, which means that it’s irrational by nature.   It’s fun being a mama, eh?

p.s. Some outfits suck.  This was one of them.  

Quote of Today:
“Artillery zombie babies!”