I love games. However, I’m more of a board game, strategy, puzzle kind of gamer. I love to play Civilization, solve jigsaws, crosswords, and sudokus. I hate fighting games. I love to fight and train in martial arts, but the game fighting has no appeal. Which is why I had been so resistant to Husband bugging me to play Zelda The Legend of Skyward Sword. I have to say that I’m glad he did.
I love Zelda! The adventure, the puzzles the exploring…especially the exploring. I love that. Husband says I’m anal about it because I explore every possible thing and do every possible side mission etc. I figure that’s what it’s all about – getting the greatest and fullest experience from the game possible. So that’s what I’m doing.
I still don’t like the fighting, not in the least, but at least there’s not too much of it. And the intuitive controls of the Nintendo Wii make it a lot easier and user friendly for a non-gamer like myself rather then the button mashing and arrow pointing of other controllers. Plus, it’s not so pervasive that it turns a non-gamer off, and it’s not so rare that it turns someone who likes it off too.
I like that the game has a nice balance of all these different elements, It’s really a fun adventure game, and that has a huge appeal. I must say though, all the silly talking the other characters do gets on my nerves, but I’m not very patient when it comes to that sort of thing.