So here’s some shots of the outfit I wore for Baby’s party. 
I love that my dress twirls!
My hair was just not going to be straight with the humidity, so I just added some light curls to give it a little life.
Dress – handmade off Etsy; Hat – Ruche; Sandals – Zellers.
I love this little handmade dress.  When it came, I had to fix several of the seams because they weren’t done well, but really for $14 I couldn’t expect much.  And fixing seams is really easy so I’m not complaining…too much.  I really love the feminine feel of this dress.  Later that night I went to work, and walking down the street from the coffee shop I noticed something:  for some reason this dress makes my hips sway a bit more, and my back sit a lot straighter.  It just makes me feel a lot more lady-like and womanly.  And therefore, I think you’re going to see a lot of it!
P.S.  In that last shot my dress was caught by the wind and started rising right up.  It’s my Marilyn moment…only she handled it with a lot more style!