I went camping last week, as you may know if you follow on insta, but that did not mean that I put away my pretty pretty dresses. You can’t keep me from a dress, and also, I don’t save my clothing for special occasions. I don’t believe in that. Wear it now, as long as it makes you feel great. Great clothing should be worn, not hung up and not touched. If it’s worn and ruined, well in the end it’s just clothing, but in the meantime you will have had fun and felt amazing. So that’s worth it.

On that note, this lovely vintage piece came with me, and was worn through walks in the woods, while setting up a tent, and around a campfire. Lots of memories for this piece, and not saving or being delicate. Get out there. Put on that dress, skirt, or whatever it is you’ve been saving. Who cares if you’re overdressed, who cares if you stand out, who gives a shit. Just feel great and rock it.

Dress – Sis Vintage via Etsy
Necklace – Gypsy Love Store
Sunnies – Free People
Sandals – very old, so I forget
Bracelets – Ruche and Pure Beada