I’m teaming up with Cody K to help make Christmas better for at least one child.  It’s all about small steps.  Read her words below:

“Many people are having a hard time this Christmas and a relying on programs to help parents give their children gifts. Many programs like the Angel Tree. Angel Trees are usually found in major chain grocery stores and hold slips of paper with names of children who range from all ages. I adopted one several years ago and I was really happy to give back. This year James and I have decided to give back by adopting an angel tree. While although we have enough to sponsor a child, usually the child has a wish for a bigger ticket item like a gameboy or ipod. Unfortunately, James and I can’t afford those items but would love to be able to give it. This is where I ask for your help.

Below is a giveaway filled with goodies for ONE winner. Inside the giveaway is an option to donate. No matter the amount you are automatically entered for more entries. The money from the donate will go 100% to help get the big ticket item for the child. I hope to not only raise enough for this child’s big ticket item but also for another child too! Help me get there.”


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Joanna // Blog // Twitter // Bloglovin // Facebook
Cassie // Blog // Twitter // Bloglovin // Facebook
Cassie // Blog // Twitter // Bloglovin // Facebook 
Mindy // Blog // Twitter // Bloglovin // Facebook

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