Category :Tribal

Free Fridays

Fall, Winter, and Spring means that Andrew’s business is in full swing. Which is great for finances obviously, but it also means a lot of business trips and a lot more responsibility on me at home.

One thing that I enjoy however, is that I’ve somehow managed to keep Fridays free.  Friday mornings and afternoon have somehow managed to become a day for me.

I’m going to consciously try and keep it going. I need one day a week to me – one 6 hour block that is mine. And Friday seems like a good one.




Shorts – Spell Designs  //  Top & Shoes – Ruche  //  Necklace – Fair Trade from Bolivia

Hold It Close


Languorous stretching.
Breathing deeply.
Soaking in the heat.

Let’s all do that today.
Let’s wallow in the glory that is the summer, and the beauty that is the heat of another’s body close to you.







Route 66 Romper – Spell Designs  //  Crop Top & Sandals – ThreadSence  // Bracelets – Ruche & Threadsence  //  Sunnies – UO  // Necklace – Vanessa Mooney

The Cost of Personal Style (Or The $9 Dress)


Style doesn’t have to cost much. Actually it can cost about nine dollars and a little time. Take this dress. It was bought at a fifty percent off sale items sale. I paid a whopping nine dollars for it. I knew the second I slipped it on that it fit my trifecta of sartorial love: it allowed ease of movement, it was light, and it had some great visual interest.

The only hitch was that for some reason, the way it was made the top was a touch see-through. This wouldn’t be a big deal except that you can’t exactly wear something under a backless dress like this. But none of that dissuaded me. I bought it.

Then I took an old navy liner from a skirt that had been torn beyond repair, and turned on Netflix. At the end of the episode, I had hand stitched in a little shelf bra/liner. Problem solved.

Moral of the story? Two actually.

1. Personal style is made from what you love, and not what is on trend *this dress was on sale because no one else wanted it* or what is expensive.

2. Just because an item isn’t perfect in store, doesn’t mean that a little tailoring or imagination can’t turn it into a piece you’ll love for a long time.



Dress – UO // Sandals – FreePeople  // Sunnies – F21

Days of Contentment

The last few days, I danced for probably seven hours combined.  It’s incredible how much energy and emotion is released into the world by the simple act of dance.  I’ve been saying it for years, “Dance it out.” And I always understood Meredith’s *from Grey’s Anatomy* need to have a 30 second dance party. There’s always a good time to dance. 
But more than that, I spent the weekend with the most wonderful people.  Friends, and peers, who despite everyone’s flaws, accept and respect each other. No judgement and no expectations, except for the desire to ‘suck the marrow out of life.’ 




Dress – Spell Designs  //  Boots – F21  //  Bracelet & Small gold ring – ThreadSence  //  Large Gem ring – small fair trade company  //  Flash Tattoos – eBay

Lush Green Trees and a Little Creek


Finding little places like this, low in a valley and hidden from the city, is like entering a secret garden.
Logically, I know that this place is frequented by many.
But emotionally, it feels like my own secret place.
Quiet and undiscovered.

It just begs and cries out for a little twirling and dancing.




Kimono – Spell Designs  //  Top – SheIn  //  Shorts – Target  //  Sandals – Threadsence  //  Hat – I forget  //  Necklaces – Vanessa Mooney and Monserat de Lucca

It’s Deceptive…


 …..this outfit.  Why, you may ask?  Because it looks all boho and cool and relaxed, but hidden among it are sci-fi nerdy gems.  My ring says, “To Boldly Go.”  And my necklace?  It’s an artists interpretation of the Kara Thrace and Anders tattoo mixed with the arrow of Apollo.  BSG gold!
So you see, I’m deceptively geeking out.




Dress – Ruche // Cardigan – c/o Jennifer Fukushima  //  Sunnies – UO  // Sandals – Winners  //  Ring & Necklace – Etsy

You’ve only got two more days to save 30% off your purchase at Jennifer!
Use code “MODAMAMA30

Ruffled and Backless Dress


It was so warm and lovely and I was frankly really excited to finally wear all my lovely new Spell purchases.  It’s been so cold, and I was just itching to get a chance to wear all this pretty stuff.

Honestly, what’s more perfect than a backless ruffled dress for a day spent at the beach and the pool?  Nothing.  Except maybe one of those delicious mojitos they offered.  Those were amazing.  As were the Jamaican patties…

…wait, why did I come back again?




Dress – Spell Designs  //  Bag – Jamaican vendor  //  Sandals – I forget *old*  //  Sunnies – Lace Affair

Age Appropriate, Who Cares Anymore?


There’s this time where I was really concerned about whether what I was wearing was age appropriate.

But recently, I just don’t care.  I am who I am and that’s just that.  I’ve never been a booty short kind of girl, so there’s really no fear of my being that kind of woman.  Otherwise, braided buns over 30 with boho dresses? Why the heck not?  You just gotta be who you are you know?




Sweater – I forget  //  Dress & Boots – ThreadSence  //  Sock – FreePeople  //  Necklace – Lustre Boutique  //  Rings – I forget *old*

Not How I Was Dressed




Jeans – Dittos via – UO  //  Tank & Kimono – SheInside  //  Hat & Bag – I forget  //  Shoes – Ruche  //  Bag – Target

This weekend was a roller coaster.  Friday night I had the chance to celebrate a great lady’s birthday.  Saturday things seemed to go well but my Girl was a bit under the weather.  This progressed to a full blown fever that persisted the rest of the weekend.  As this is posted this morning, I know she’s not going to school.

Poor girl spent Sunday on the couch drinking tons of water/juice and sleeping on Mama a lot.  Let’s see how the Monday goes.

Oh and trust me, this is not how I was dressed on Sunday…but it was how I was dressed on another day.

Long Live the Monday Morning





Poncho – Love Threads  //  Corduroys – Gap  //  Hat & Necklace – I forget  //  Shoes – Ruche

Gotta say, I love Mondays.  I know most people who have a 9-5 hate them, but I love them.  All through my life I’ve been a freelancer or shift worker, and the fields that I work in have usually been most active on weekends.  So for me, the weekend usually meant work. Monday meant rest.

Now, Mondays are an extra long day for my girl as she has Spanish class right after kindergarten.  So now, Mondays are a big day of free space.  Space for work, for productivity, for a pamper day if I need it.  Mondays are full of opportunity.

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