Category :Palazzo

Hindsight Is 20/20

Top – H&M  //  Pants & Sunnies – F21  //  Necklace and Bracelet – gift from Poland
Sometimes things don’t go the way you were thinking, but then with hindsight you can’t see them going any other way.  There are some projects I auditioned for that I didn’t get, and was really bummed about, but then months later while working on new and exciting ones I realize that if I had booked that other gig I wouldn’t be having the amazing experience I am now.

I’m one of those people who likes to think that everything happens for a reason, but has severe trouble accepting or believing it in the moment of a harsh disappointment.  It isn’t until later, with hindsight that I realize the path.  I need to get better at really believing it at the time.

*linking up with Fab Favorites, The Foley Fam,  and Passion For Fashion*

Occupy Winter

Top -Kensie  //  Button up – Hand me down  //  Pants – F21  //  Zebra Necklace – Lustre in Montreal //
Gold&Black Necklace – Kenya via One Thousand Villages  //  Ring – don’t remember
There’s new growth and sunshine, and though my heart does not rise with it yet, my brain knows it’s only a matter of time before the warmth and light of the sun push aside the dark and dreary nooks of the spirit left by the grey of Winter, and take up permanent residence.  Until such time, the softness of loose cotton, raw silks, and soft knits will keep me company and blur the hard lines. 
Quote of Today:
“Sometimes you have to sit your ass down and relax”

My Own Private Little Nona

Pants & Vest – F21  //  Top – H&M  //  Necklace – bought in Europe  //  Boots – Feet First
It made me so happy to nab the exact faux fur vest I wanted for 50% off at F21.  When I tried it on it immediately made me feel like Nancy Kovak as ‘Nona‘ in Star Trek’s “A Private Little War.”  Though it’s not bright orange, and I’m not nearly as sexy as the seductive ‘Nona,’  I felt a little wilder wearing it.  Also, the complete geek in me loved walking around all day in my own personal little Star Trek world.  

True Story:
Baby Girl is currently obsessed with Plants vs. Zombies.  
She walks around all day asking for “Zombies!”  
So I sit there playing the game on my tablet while she watches, comments, and pushes the screen randomly.  
With the occasional, “Watch out!”

Chocolate and Wine Only

Top & Pants – F21
Vest – I forget.  It’s old. 
Shoes – Payless
Zebra Necklace – Lustre in Montreal
I’m calling these my grumpy pants.  Not because they make me grumpy, but because when I’m feeling grumpy and don’t want to wear anything it’s these pants I turn to. Seriously, I think Palazzo pants might be the best thing ever invented because they’re like sweatpants you can wear in public while looking fashionable. 

It just doesn’t get better than that.

Okay, well maybe if there was a doctor approved “chocolate and wine only” diet for healthy living.  That I could really go for.  While wearing these pants.

Quote of Today:
“How do you know I’m sexting?”

Too Legit To Quit!

Earrings, Necklace & Pants – F21
Rings – Threadsence and Ruche
T-shirt – Lucca Couture
My new obsession is Palazzo pants.  I mean how awesome are they?!  Loose, free flowing and totally comfy pants.  It’s like suddenly being allowed to wear sweatpants in public! 
The best part was that for biking I had to tie my polka dot shoe ties around my ankles so as to not get the pants caught in the spokes and it totally made me look like M.C. Hammer in U Can’t Touch This!  I’d like to think I’m just as cool and just as well accessorized. I’ve never met James Brown though.

p.s.  they are the best PMS pants ever.  Loose with an elasticized waist for those days that you suddenly feel like you’re larger than the entire Atlantic and Pacific oceans combined.  

p.p.s. Did I mention the elasticized waist? 
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