Category :Kimonos





Denim Romper – Flying Tomato  //  Kimono – Audrey  //  Sandals – Threadsence  //  Belt – F21  //  Necklace – Monserat de Lucca via Beau & Bauble in Toronto  //  Sunnies – Lace Affair

“Mama,” I hear the whisper.  My eyes open slightly and lying next to me is that little girl I love.  She crawled into bed with me.

“It’s still sleepy time,” I say to her.  A tiny hand drapes over my neck as she cuddles in and I fall asleep.

Half an hour later I wake up, alone. I get up in search of her.  She’s not in her room.  I head downstairs.  When I walk into the living room I see her, sitting crossed legged on the couch, beading.  She looks up at me, “You up?”

“Yes,” I say and sit.  That’s when I notice it.  While I slept, she took off her night diaper, put on her underwear *albeit backwards*, and selected a pair of shorts, which she then donned *albeit coming in from one leg hole so that the waist is actually servicing as her left pant leg*, then went downstairs and started her day.

I know it’s small, but somehow those little acts made me realize how she’s growing up.





Sequin Dress – Ruche  //  Kimono – Lovely Day   //  Necklace – gift  //  Shoes – Aldo  //  Hair band – Etsy

  As kids we dressed up all the time.  It was encouraged, and expected.  As we grow and take on the mature responsibilities of life, we’re not given the same freedom to play and dress up as before.  But sometimes,  like when you’re invited to the launch of a new play and costumes are encouraged, we get to give our inner child room to play again.

The best thing is that I didn’t have to buy a single thing.  All the pieces were in my closet, and I just had to put them together in a new way.  Except for the wig.  That was in my costume suitcase…you know the one, the one that’s filled with fun costumes pieces and dress up items.  You don’t have one?  You really should get one – it’s loads of fun!

Give me a 1920s themed play *Bootlegger’s Wife* and costumed launch party, thanks to creator Victoria Murdoch *above*, and I’ll give you one flapperific happy gal!

Organic Hippie Veggie Freak





Lace Inset Tank & Kimono – UO  //  Jeans – Gap  //  Shoes – Threadsence  //  Necklace – I forgot

Usually I start to seriously think about my garden around this time of year, but with temperatures hanging just barely above the freezing mark it’s the furthest thing from my mind.  I have my seeds ready and my girl and I stand with baited breath for those warmer days to start so we can grow our own delicious food.

In the mean time, we’ve signed up for a delivery service offered here.  It’s a service that delivers a huge box of fresh organic produce to our doorstep.  Not only is it super convenient to have it all just appear, but it challenges us by giving us things we wouldn’t always buy. It’s just freed us up quite a bit and I love it.  Plus, since it’s all organic we end up getting more creative so that we can use up every single last little bit.

I know.  I’m geeking about organic produce and home gardens.

Black and White


Fringe Kimono – Lovely Day  // Top – Ezra  //  Jeans – Gap  //  Booties – Walmart  //  Necklace – Ten Thousand Villlages

Sometimes you’re in a rush, things are frazzled, and don’t have the choice of taking ideal photos.  Those days turn into black and white days.  Not only in outfit choices, but also in photography styles.  It just seemed right to take this day, this outfit, down to it’s barest essentials – that of black and white.  Sometimes it’s just what you need.

Transportation and Snack Machines




Embroidered Kimono – Audrey  //  Crochet Detail Top – Hem&Thread  //  Flared Jeans – Dittos  via UO  //  Sunnies – I forget  //  Shoes & Jewelry – Threadsence 

Some parents worry about their children heading off to school, or daycare, because of the tears their children shed.  I don’t have to worry about that particular thing.

Today, I dropped off the little one at a Kindergarten prep course.  Her very first class, very first time in the building, and very first time meeting these people.  She was off and running away from me before I even got her coat off.  Didn’t look back, not once.

When I came to pick her up the teacher said, “Look who’s here to get you!”  She turned, took one look at me and frowned, “You forgot my snack, ’cause I had snack time!”

Yup, no issues with independence or being left alone.  Really, we’re the transportation and snack providing machinery in her life.


*linking up with WIWW*

Lying, Liar Pants And A Dream






Kimono –  Audrey //  Tee – Zara  //  Pants – Dittos via UO  //  Wool Fedora – Threadsence  //  Necklace – don’t recall

Okay, so remember how I said I wouldn’t venture out into that huge snowfall?  Well, I’m a lying, liar pants on fire, ’cause I ended up doing so.  But only for the two minutes it took to take these shots.  I may be crazy, but even I have my limits…few though they may be.

Side note:  Had a whole night of dreams where I was Jean-Luc Picard’s Number One and we were in command of a fleet of actual naval vessels, on an ocean.  Very odd, but also very cool because, hey, Jean-Luc Picard’s Number One!

Pretty Sure She’s A Vampire





Kimono – Arnhem  //  Shirt – Zara  //  Cords – Le Chateau  //  Boots – Call It Spring  //  Socks – I forget  //  Necklace – Threadsence

The sun in Winter is rarely seen.  But when it is, it’s a joy and myself and Drake the Dog relish it’s presence in the kitchen.  But not everyone does so.

One sunny morning as the rays hit our kitchen floor, Baby Girl got upset.  Her blocks were in the sun and she wanted them.  She tried to convince me to get them.  When I said no, she begged.  And when I told her she could go get them herself she walked off in a huff.

Moments later she came back, with sunglasses planted on her face.  Walked with determination to get her blocks, and then walked right up to me with a ‘See-What-You-Made-Me-Do’ look in her eyes and said, “Sun hurts my eyes.”

Yup, she’s a vampire.  

I’m sleeping with garlic.

She’s also a drama queen.

Cry For Help





Lace Kimono – Lush  //  Long Cardigan – Cecico  //  Dress  –  unknown, I altered it myself  //  Tights – Hansel From Basel  //  Socks – unknown  //  Boots – Aldo  //  Necklace – unknown  //  Belt – F21

Instead of my regular post I’m writing a cry for help today.  I’m
serious.  I’m being held hostage.  She’s short, and blond, and has a bit
of a lisp.  She also sucks her thumb and can currently be found wearing
a bright blue and pink fairy costume. Call for help.

makes me build blocks endlessly, and dance and twirl until I can’t take
it anymore.  I think she might be a little sadistic too since she
smiles and giggles as I twirl or build again despite my momentary

And that’s another matter.  I have no resistance.  I build and twirl and dance on command as she laughs. Laughs I tell you. 

Call Child Protective Services please.  I’m desperate.  They protect you from children right??

*linking up with Style Sessions*

When You Just Can’t Take Any More



Water Color Kimono Top – Unknown  //  Top – Smart Set  //  Jeans – Gap  //  Belt – AE  //  Scarf – Unknown  //  Necklace – F21  //  Boots – Feet First

These pictures were taken a few days ago – obviously the snow is not on the ground – but I needed to post them and here’s why.   I organize my photos in such a way that the ones I haven’t posted are always in the folder I’m working on and once I post them I put them in their separate file.

So as long as I don’t post them they’re always staring me in the face.  And I gotta say I have had quite enough of staring at the sunshine and no snow in these photos.   It’s just a huge darn tease!  So there.   They’re posted and now they’re filed away and I don’t have to look at them.

Just snow from here on in….le sigh.

You Want Something Done, Do It Yourself

Top – Camilla Tree via Ruche  //  Cords – Le Chateau  //  Kimono – made by me!  //  Shoes – Threadsence  //  Turquoise necklace – I forget  //  Waterfall Necklace – c/o Atterley Road  //  Ring – Body Blue //  Sunnies – c/o Woodzee   *enter to win a pair*

You know that old saying, right?  Well, I’ve been coveting a few awesome fringe kimonos, but with price tags upwards of one hundred dollars on the ones that I want it was never gonna happen.  I budget and live within my means, and those means do not include hundred dollar kimonos.  So, I thought, “You want one?  Make it happen.”

Browsing through this huge fabric warehouse not too far from home, I stumbled across this gorgeous gray chiffon fabric and had one of those butterfly in the stomach moments.  It was the perfect material with it’s soft gray and white leaf print with specks of blue, and subtle silver sparkle.  Done.

The roll firmly tucked under my arm, I promptly waded through the fringe bin and found this long, soft, ivory fringe to match.  Copying another kimono that had been a gift from my mom, I then starting cutting and sewing.

The weight of the fringe as it swings back and forth while walking.  There’s something very satisfying about that.

Total price tag – $32.  That’s more like it.

*Linking up with WIWW, Style SessionsTrend Spin, Fab Favorites, Friday Style*

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