Category :Anniversary

The Single Child Phenomenon

Dress – bought in London, England for $5!; Shoes – Zellers (on him – I don’t know, probably Value Village).

I wore this happy dress on the last day of my anniversary trip.  It’s such an easy dress to throw on ’cause the silhouette is so classic and flattering and the print is just so joyous.  I’m a big fan of happy prints.  They can just brighten your day like nothing else. 

On our anniversary we were reflecting on the last seven years, and the changes and choices we’ve made.  And once again we checked in with each other about our decision to have one child.  We periodically check in just to make sure we’re still on the same page.  And a lot of relatives and friends chide us for that decision.  They’re strongest and most common argument is that Baby needs a sibling and playmate.  To me that’s not a valid reason because I don’t want to reason for another human beings existence to be as a “sibling and playmate” for another human being.  And since we’re not drawn or moved to have another I don’t see why we should. 

On that note, I was recently reading in the September issue of Marie Claire that only children “tend to work faster and have better vocabularies; they develop a confidence and self-contained quality.”  And further they get plenty of socialization from friends, activities and school.   No longer is being an only child a hindrance as others thought.  And you know what?  I have siblings, but my soul sister is my best friend.

And when it comes to sibling rivalry – Drake the Dog constantly steals her toys causing tumultuous temper tantrums.  Trust me.  I’ve been privy to many such displays.

Quote of Today:
“I have Jane’s sports shirt too” – Firefly reference.

Seven Years Day Two

The second, and last, day of our anniversary trip away started with warm and very buttery croissants!

After about an hour Husband wanted to get a ‘second breakfast.’ Yes, he’s a hobbit.

This is a club I’d like to join…and be president of.

We sat outside on the patio and watched the town wake up.

Coffee cake makes a great second breakfast.  I managed to snag a bite before Husband gobbled it all up.

Husband doesn’t drink a lot of coffee and gets really wired from it.  So how many coffees did you have dear?

Check out the awesome lady walking her dogs in her PJs.

I love a bright pink bathroom.

More lookout points.

And that’s all she wrote folks!  After this beach stop we headed home to see our darling Babe.  
Happy Anniversary!

A Dinner Seven Years In The Making

Dress – Ruche; Shoes – Aldo; Belt – H&M.

As you know, I’m a polka dot fiend, but recently I’ve been loving the color red, so this dress was a perfect combination of an old obsession with a burgeoning new one.  And it’s comfortable too.  Oh and a tip, it packs well.  No creases what-so-ever.

So, Dinner was at the local music pub.  Not a fancy place, but one with a cool vibe and a live blue-grass player.  He had gray dreadlocks. Can we say cool A-ttitude

During dinner we had wondered what to do afterwards, but Mother Nature made the decision for us by providing a torrential downpour that made us quickly go back to the hotel room where we watched a movie and ate decadent chocolate! Mmmmm…chocolate…with cookies crumbs.

True Story:
Never give your child oatmeal with fresh blueberries while she’s wearing a white shirt…and insists on feeding herself. 
*le sigh*

The Cat Came Back

During our stay at the hotel, there was a cat there was veeeery friendly.  She followed us everywhere and was more than willing to be rubbed.  She the town you-know-what…everyone’s had a rub.

Eventually she found something more interesting than us.

Seven Years Day One

Here’s a quick summary of our first day in Prince Edward County wine country.
First winery we hit had great patio chairs.

Lake on the Mountain lookout.

The restaurant on the lookout was really cool – made you feel like you were sent back in time.

The highlight was the cider brewing company.  Their apple cider is incredible!

There was this awesome little store called “Diva” in town.  It sold the most audacious hats ever!

The view from the hotel we were at was so peaceful.

Wine And Coral

Glasses – F21; Dress – Ruche; Shoes – Aldo.

So I copped out of Random Sundays, and Tuesday In Review this week because I’ve been away.  Husband and I celebrated 7 years together on Sunday and we went away for our first night by ourselves since Baby was born.  So you guys will forgive me right?  Thiiis time.

We went to Prince Edward County in Ontario, which is another wine region in the province – the main one being Niagara.  This region produces drier wines because of it’s harsher climate.  And we enjoyed tasting what the wineries had to offer.  I thought since we’re going away and tasting wines I wanted to be bright and colorful, hence, I chose this cheery coral dress.  I don’t have a lot of coral, but I’m loving the color lately and this dress is just perfect!  It’s breezy and light and so easy to wear.  And I loved that I was the brightest colored person in every winery tasting room.

Oh, and did you notice the heels?  I haven’t worn heels in forever ’cause I’m usually too busy running after/with Baby to wear heels.  But no Baby = heels!  Husband wasn’t tooo crazy about them since it makes me taller than him, but oh well.  Tough luck.

Side note:  I need a haircut!

Quote of Today:
“My goodness she can poo!”
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