Category :Travel

Clear Lake

This Lake, aptly called Clear Lake, is perfectly so. It’s turquoise and you can see about 15 ft deep.

Oxtongue River Falls

I did not sleep well – lots of food and wine late in the evening always give me sleep trouble. Plus, since he had the same and was snoring – ugh, I did not sleep well at all.

Mostly Rainy

Well poo. The day predicted rain, rain, and then severe thunderstorms.


We dropped the kids off (dog and kid, technically) and headed out of the city! Finally!

Ontario, You’re So Pretty

One thing about Ontario is that the second you get out of the city and the countryside opens up, you realize that we live in a truly beautiful province.

Make the best of a Crappy Anniverary

This was our anniversary trip away.

Rough Beach Days

Some days are so rough.

Day trip to Port Stanley

Andrew’s usually a go go go kind of guy. In the sense that he has to explore and ‘see the sights.’

Borer’s Falls

On the way to Port Burwell, our anniversary trip destination, we absolutely had to hit up some Ontario waterfalls.

Field of Wildflowers

What I adore right now is that my girl gets just as excited as I do about a field of wildflowers.

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