Category :Lifestyle

Authentic Core

“There is no authentic core to us, no essential, happy, and perfect version of the self that can be exposed by stripping back the repressing expectations of society. In fact, the self is modular.

Fake Smile

“You’re so busy working on your fake smile you forget to actually do the thing that might one day make you smile authentically.”- ‘You’re Not That Great”

Know Thyself

“I say don’t find yourself. I say never know who you are. Because that’s what keeps your striving and discovering. And it forces you to remain humble in your judgments and accepting of the differences in other.” The Subtle Art of Not giving a Fuck


“Being ‘average’ has become the new standard of failure. The worst thing you can be is in the middle of the pack, the middle of the bell curve.

Spring and Foraging Begins

Pretty dresses, sunshine, and foraging. Yes, it’s that time of the year where I start foraging for ‘weeds’ and planning like mad.


Ever since I got that espresso machine, mornings are like, “Woah, I’m coming at ya!”


You know what makes mornings delightful right now? Even Monday mornings? Homemade lattes!


“But we need to reject something. Otherwise, we stand for nothing. If nothing is better or more desireable than anything else, then we are empty and our life is meaningless.” The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F**k.

Attention and Greatness Are Not the Same

“Our culture today confuses great attention and great success, assuming them to be the same thing. But they are not.” The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F**K.

To Tact or Not

“There is such pressure in the West to be likeable that people often reconfigure their entire personality depending on the person they’re dealing with.” – The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F**K

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