We all worry about striving and achieving. We all look at people who’ve reached fame and acclaim and wish we could have that. Often times we place our worth on what we’ve achieved instead of who we are, our character, or the relationships and effects we have on others. At least, I’m often guilty of that. But here’s the thing. We were recently watching Top Gun: Maverick and my Girl walked in and asked about it.
Andrew said, “That’s Tom Cruise. It’s TOM CRUISE.”
And without any guile, she asked, “Who’s Tom Cruise?”
So if my 13-year-old has absolutely no idea who Tom Cruise – arguably the biggest movie star of my generation – is we really can stop worrying about chasing achievement. Cause the next generation will barely remember us anyway.
So love, laugh, and above all, be kind.

Dress – Reformation
Boots – bought in Nashville