Watching and hearing about OnlyFans and the money some women make on it…obviously, I’m not going to do that. But, some of the more innocuous stuff I could totally see doing.
Except that I have no OnlyFans marketable skills: my feet are gross from dancing and martial arts, I don’t have fake boobs, or any capacity to play into anything fake.
Is there a market for knitting? Like, watch hours of me sitting there doing nothing but knit? “Hey baby, hit subscribe to see how I work those needles into a cozy sweater.”
Or hours of focusing under a bright light as I embroider my overalls? “Hit like if you want to me stab something repeatedly to create a beautiful flower!”
Or pay a small fee to see me give you a “WTF” face as you tell me to smile?
Yeah, now you see why I’m out of luck.

Dress – Rue Stiic *which I’m not shopping at anymore*
Necklace – Raw Eco Jewelery
Boots – Matisse Footwear