The Fall of the House of Usher on Netflix – so well done.
I’m not a horror person, and I confess to knitting while I watched this series so that I would have a perfectly acceptable excuse to look down and not watch certain parts. And yes, I confess to skipping over the gruesome deaths. And scary bits. However, someone did their reading. And the Edgar Allan Poe story is so well adapted – not dutifully as it is not set in our century but with the intent and the creep factor involved. I loved the nod each episode did as well. Overall, I loved how the story was moral and creepy and it had few enough gross and scary parts that I could skip over it without feeling like I’m jumping all over the place. What I’d love to hear is how it compares to his other series. Should I watch those too or are they scarier, I wonder.

Jeans – thrifted
Sweater – made by me
Boots – Joe Browns
Belt – I forget