Facial hair, where do we stand on it? Specifically, those of us who are attracted to those of the male variety.
I like clean-shaven or a little scruff. My favorite is a few days of growth. I am not a beard person – just not a fan of that big bushy thing coming at me. A small one, sure, that’s not bad, but definitely not one of those big bushy ones. And I am definitely not a mustache person. Sorry, I know some people love ’em, but my Dad’s signature look was a mustache and so when I see that on a man, there is all kinds of Pavlovian bells ringing inside my head. Personal tastes, what can you do? Gents, I’d love a sound-off about your own personal preferences as well. I figure with all the shit in the world, why not have an innocuous little debate about facial hair?

Dress – Seamstress of Bloomsbury *thrifted*
Boots – vintage