I love to watch influencers (and I don’t really consider myself one for the fact that I turn down 99% of stuff, and am really too small potatoes to be of any real notice) doing their thing out in the world in videos uploaded to the internet – and I mean the BTS stuff.
The stuff where someone else catches them doing silly things. But while I laugh at the ones where they put their lives at risk, or overly photoshop themselves to absolute high heaven, I do have one grief – those that make fun of the women posing for photos. Not women doing stupid or dangerous stuff, I mean the women ‘Top Modelling’ it up.
It’s really hard being a woman – shocker, I know – we’re constantly told how ‘not to be’ and how ‘to be’, in often, conflicting messages. We’re never ever good enough. So on a day when a woman is feeling hot and totally top modelling it for insta, I will never ever make fun of her. Because it’s really hard to have days where you feel good about yourself.

Skirt – Auguste
Top – F21 *thrifted*
Necklace – Free People