This week was fashion week here in Toronto. I obviously love fashion….clearly. So despite it being a busy week – even though I tried to keep it clear – I still managed to hit up a few shows. A gracious thank you for the wonderful designers and PR companies that invited me. It was a treat!
I hit up the VAWK show first, and thought I wouldn’t need my camera. But I was further back than my phone – which is not top of the line – can handle and sadly missed getting shots. But google the images – seriously they are fantastic *I don’t want to steal other peoples photos for my own blog* The show was wonderful! There was an abundance of strong architectural detail and geometric shapes. It was all very creative and very striking. My favorite was a long black and white dress. Stunning!
Another show I managed to catch was the Jaan Choxi line. It’s a menswear line and it was very sleek and very urban. Loved seeing it. This was my favorite look. *This time I learned and brought my camera*
Loved the faux fur collar. Honestly, I kind of want to steal it. But my favorite part of the shows is when the designer comes out. They always look so happy and so relieved. All that stress of putting a show together is gone and they can just enjoy their success. I love this part.
You can just see that sparkle in his eyes.
You won’t see any street style shots of me, because my messy haired, boho, flat shoed self does not fit in with the glitzy, high heeled glamor of the other attendees. But that’s just dandy with me. ‘Cause I can flounce for my own pictures in fields and trip on sticks at my own convenience. *Oh yeah, that story will be up later this week*
There was one other show I meant to see, but a mix up meant my name wasn’t located and therefore I didn’t gain admittance. It was hectic and things happen, am I right? But I wanted to thank the organizers so much anyway for the invite. I appreciate you reaching out to me, and know that I am truly grateful. That goes for all the invites by the way. Truly grateful.
Congratulations to all the designers! You survived, and you survived in style. See you all in the Fall.