Shirt & Sunnies – F21 // Jeans – Gap  //  Booties – Walmart  //  Jewelry & Bag – Threadsence

This particular morning I was headed to set.  So that means nothing done.  No hair. No make up.  I had straightened my hair a few days back, so I just kept that as it was when I woke up, and all I did was put on moisturizer. 

Normally I do something.  Put on some concealer, and mascara at least.  But nope.  You have to have a fresh face for the artists to do their work of turning you into your character.  Hence, washed and undone I went forth.

At least Han Solo added a bit of swagger to my step.

*linking up with Fab Favorites, Sunday SocialSunday FunDay, and  Passion for Fashion*