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It’s time for another giveaway! If you’ve been following me on twitter/FB you know that I’ve recently become jaded with giveaways on blogs *I’m not going into that diatribe right now* . I feel I’m not the only one and I want to bring the fun back! On that note, I’ve decided to change it all up. Now we’re going to get creative, maybe funny, and maybe downright inappropriate. *which is funny in itself*
So here’s how to enter.
You have to be a follower – sorry but that’s only fair to my readers. But otherwise, you’re going to help me come up with a superhero story. Why? Because I’m a nerd, and it’s my blog and…that’s why.
Leave your answers to these questions as one comment on this post:
1. You have become a SuperHero. What is your superhero name?
2. What’s your SuperPower?
3. Of course you need an arch nemesis and that’s me. So what’s my Arch Nemesis name and superpower?
4. How do you vanquish me in the end?
4. Naturally there’s a screen adaptation and I’m playing me, but which celebrity is playing you?
5. Who plays your love interest?
6. A set isn’t a set without a good scandal. So what’s the scandal and gossip going around in the press about this set?
7. I’d like to thank the Academy! And I’m wearing… What dress/tux are you wearing? Describe it or paste a link.
8. Say how you follow and your username for that.
Entries accepted until May 10th, 2012 at 11:59pm Toronto time.
I and one other impartial person (either my husband or a friend) will select the winner. Yes, this will be totally biased and partial in that the coolest, funniest, raunchiest or most creative entry in our opinion will win. No, it will not be partial in that a blog friend or something like that will win. I have no conspiracies…yet *insert evil laugh here* Do you see why I’m the villain?
You don’t have to, but if you are so willing as to tweet and Fb this giveaway, I’d appreciate it a bunch!
That’s it. Let’s have some fun!
*Lulus.com, Facebook or Twitter are in no way affiliated with this giveaway. I reserve the right to refuse an entry due to explicit or severely inappropriate content*
Mark Haessler
May 1, 2012Now I may not be eligible to win the prize (and even if I did I'd say give it to the person below me) BUT The geek in me saw this and wanted to play around with it, so…
1. Upon discovery of my power I had initially toyed with the more theatrically flourish call sign of "Empath", but as word in the underground got around about my activities a new moniker emerged and stuck, "Grit", as in "grit my teeth and bare it." It seemed more appropriate a description for the more *ahem* gritty *ahem* way that I used my abilities
2. I have the ability to project what I am feeling, physically and/or emotionally, onto other people, to share it. At first I used it in innocent (I use the term loosely) enough fashion, projecting my orgasms into my partner during sexual intercourse for instance, But then I remembered I had an unusually high pain threshold. Now, what happens when I cause my self enough pain to nearly knock a man unconscious and then project that onto a bad guy?
3. Now we come to you, my Arch nemesis. You have no supernatural abilities to speak save for what some would dub your criminally minded genius as. What you do have in spades is an extreme penchant for Sadomasochism and incredible willpower. Pain is your pleasure. You heard about my unique abilities after I had foiled some of your minions in a scheme, at which point you began to stage more obvious plots simply to draw me out and and get me to attempt my power on you. It of course was not effective in debilitating you and you would always have a way to escape, and you loved it. It became a game to you. What could I do to foil your crimes when you had no reason to fear my power, but in fact relish it? Your name? Bellatrix
4. I haven't worked that out yet, maybe I'd just need to get me a handgun :-p
2nd 4. Well, if I can't play me, then perhaps Joseph Gordon-Levitt, or Ben Foster
5. Emily Blunt please
6. In a dark turn the Actor playing me is rumored to be taking things to far getting into the role and may be doing some real damage to himself playing around with masochistic procedures
7. Oh, heck, I'm not much of a fashion guy (not target audience here I know) um Zegna or Armani? http://www.suitcart.com/ermenegildo-zegna-grey-mens-suit-ze041-p-1001.html
8. Phew, that turned out long, good times though. From Mark by way of the FaceBook
May 1, 2012I've tweeted the masses ;))
This is what I'm talking about!!
Oh, and it is so ON when I get these kids to bed!!
Jenni Austria Germany
May 1, 20121. You have become a SuperHero. What is your superhero name?
Beyonce Austria Germany.
2. What's your SuperPower?
Turning any item of clothing into a leotard by the touch of my hand and/or the ability to dance amazingly well in heels.
3. Of course you need an arch nemesis and that's me. So what's my Arch Nemesis name and superpower?
Name: Kim Kardashian; Superpower: Killing people with her bottom half
4. How do you vanquish me in the end?
By performing a song at the Grammys, while giving birth.
4. Naturally there's a screen adaptation and I'm playing me, but which celebrity is playing you?
Me, of course.
5. Who plays your love interest?
Patrick Dempsey will be playing the role of Jay-Z, naturally.
6. A set isn't a set without a good scandal. So what's the scandal and gossip going around in the press about this set?
That Blue Ivy Carter was actually the child of Rihanna and Chris Brown; that's why her name is Blue, she was named after Ri-ri's bruises.
7. I'd like to thank the Academy! And I'm wearing… What dress/tux are you wearing? Describe it or paste a link.
this leotard:
8. Say how you follow and your username for that.
Jenni Austria Germany, gfc
May 2, 20121. You have become a SuperHero. What is your superhero name?
Red Comet
2. What's your SuperPower?
I can fly and have super strength ability. I am not immortal but definitely hard to kill. Think Rogue form X-Men but without the lame no touching aspect. Because I can sly I have been most everywhere and have learned serveral languages, Mandarin and German being my favourites. Red Comet got her name from how fast she can fly – burning a whole in the atmosphere and charging up her own self to become a fireball.
3. Of course you need an arch nemesis and that's me. So what's my Arch Nemesis name and superpower?
Black Abyss – She sucks people into The Void where their own powers turn against them. It is a psychological trickery Black Abyss plays on her victims. Mind over matter is how you win but not many have the will or the stamina to defend themselves against her let alone defeat her!
4. How do you vanquish me in the end?
Being pulled into The Void, Red Comet uses her multitude of languages to reason with The Void that she is someone else. When The Void starts to doubt that it has captured the correct superhero Red Comet strikes at the fabric of the The Void and pushes through with her fireball flight – thus escaping and making a black whole in the Black Abyss' alternate reality sucking her in and creating a vortex.
4. Naturally there's a screen adaptation and I'm playing me, but which celebrity is playing you?
Honey, I am. I'm all the celeb I need.
5. Who plays your love interest?
Jensen Ackles. He plays an astronaut just about ready for his first flight to Mars; the red planet.
6. A set isn't a set without a good scandal. So what's the scandal and gossip going around in the press about this set?
Jensen insists on doing his own stunts which sets back filming by weeks. Meanwhile The Black Abyss (you) and Red Comet (me) have much more time on our hands for our scenes and someone uses their phone on set to video a scene. It is leaked to the press! And now that part of the movie has to go in for rewrites now that it has been released to the public. We are furious and demand it was on purpose for viral marketing. Rumors that the Producers and the talent have "differing views" are making the public believe this movie will never be made!
7. I'd like to thank the Academy! And I'm wearing… What dress/tux are you wearing? Describe it or paste a link.
You are wearing black for an homage to Black Abyss: http://sangmaestro.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/vera-wang-black-wedding-dresses.jpg
And I am wearing red 😉 http://img2.timeinc.net/people/i/2008/stylewatch/blog/080310/heidi_klum_300x400.jpg
8. Say how you follow and your username for that.
on twitter: adriannap
May 4, 20121. You have become a SuperHero. What is your superhero name?
The Bodacious Barista
2. What's your SuperPower?
Caffinating tired moms around the world
3. Of course you need an arch nemesis and that's me. So what's my Arch Nemesis name and superpower?
Dame dopa-mean
4. How do you vanquish me in the end?
Your kryptonite is god awful shoes…
4. Naturally there's a screen adaptation and I'm playing me, but which celebrity is playing you?
Kat Von D would naturally have to play me.
5. Who plays your love interest?
Oh man, you’re trying to get me in trouble?
6. A set isn't a set without a good scandal. So what's the scandal and gossip going around in the press about this set? The scandal is of course you and the real me are catty, and are throwing all kinds of fits, when we’re really just besties trying to entertain everyone and laughing our bottoms off about the whole thing behind the scenes.
7. I'd like to thank the Academy! And I'm wearing… What dress/tux are you wearing? Describe it or paste a link. http://www.etsy.com/listing/56874443/white-polka-dot-dotties-wedding-dress
8. Say how you follow and your username for that.
I follow via google reader…do I have a user name for that?
No(dot dot)el
May 5, 2012OMG the girl in the pic- her shoes. WOWza!
1. Notable Noel
2. Every time I sing people fall under my spell.
3. Jilted Joanna you are the only one who doesn't fall under my spell, in fact you silence my song with a twist of your head.
4. Sandra Bullock
5. Ben Affleck yep
6. That those stars are hooking up
7.Shabby Apple-http://www.shabbyapple.com/p-789-boogie-woogie.aspx
8. Through blogger No..el
May 8, 20121. MilkyMama
2. Lactation!
3. After I worked so hard to breastfeed and got through the months of pain, my arch nemesis is any formula company and your arch nemesis name is Nestle. Your superpower is making me doubt my ability to successfully feed my baby.
4. Pamela Anderson
5. Love interest? Babies everywhere!
6. The scandal? Public breastfeeding and extended nursing! Gasp!
7. I’m wearing a black nursing tank and bra, sensible flats, and teething bling http://www.smartmomjewelry.com/
* no offense intended to those who formula feed, I'm just happy I have been able to nurse my baby for 7+ months after a rocky start and am feeling superpower-y with mother's day coming up.
I follow through your blog and just started following on twitter (@cornerofmymind
May 9, 20121. You have become a SuperHero. What is your superhero name?
Captain Self-Employed
2. What's your SuperPower?
Working 60+ hours a week and making less than minimum wage
3. Of course you need an arch nemesis and that's me. So what's my Arch Nemesis name and superpower?
Taxes the Terrible. You have the ability to take 30% (or more) of my income every year!
4. How do you vanquish me in the end?
By not reporting all of my incom—I mean by landing all sorts of great clients and making so much money that I don't even care how much you take since I have more money than I know what to do with!
4. Naturally there's a screen adaptation and I'm playing me, but which celebrity is playing you?
Scarlet Johanson, because that's what I look like in my head. (I look absolutely nothing like her)
5. Who plays your love interest?
I have multiple love interests, I'm just that hot. They include: Johnny Depp, Channing Tatum, Joseph Gordan Levitt, Brad Pitt, Jensen Ackles, that guy who plays Helo on BSG, and anyone with good muscles.
I'm not interested in any of them though, I'm an independent woman.
6. A set isn't a set without a good scandal. So what's the scandal and gossip going around in the press about this set?
That the writers keep ripping off ideas from sci-fi series like BSG, Star Trek, Star Wars, and anything else. There's no original content and the entire script is made of quotes from other series!
7. I'd like to thank the Academy! And I'm wearing… What dress/tux are you wearing? Describe it or paste a link.
This outfit:
8. Say how you follow and your username for that.
Google reader…. eeflynn@gmail.com =]