Before my 1st was born I made sure I read ALL the books. BabyWise, What To Expect During the First Year, Baby Whisperer…and the list goes on. I had been around kids my entire life but I didn’t have a clue about schedules, growth spurts, eating habits, nursing problems, baby blues. I was excited and nervous about having this baby.
I was able to be home with little C until he was 4.5 months old. I kept with my rules. No napping together unless sick. No holding all the time. Practice independent play. I did break on some of them – he hated to be swaddled and wanted rocked & nursed to sleep. I figured it was okay to do since it was the only way he’d sleep. I did break this habit at 6 months and he would only get rocked to sleep on rare occasions after that.
I regret so much of my parenting during that time with C. I look back and feel like I was so distant. Not that I didn’t cuddle & snuggle with him – or love him to pieces – I absolutely did! I just wish I would have taken naps with him. I wish I would have held him close as much as I possible. I wish I would have snuck him into bed with us on random nights to hold him close and smell his sweet baby-ness. I wish I could have stayed home with him & not gone back to work. I wish I knew how fast they grow up and that every moment is so special.
So now when C wants to ‘lay with me mommy” before he falls asleep, I gladly climb in next to him. When C wants to “sit with me mommy” while watching his favorite cartoons, I smile and plop him in my lap. I steal cuddles every chance I get, I swap eskimo & butterfly kisses when he lets me, and I praise God that I still get these little moments with him before he gets old enough to not want them anymore.
Are you an Mama with a story to tell?
Send in your submission to joanna.haughton{at}hotmail{dot}com.
January 25, 2012another tear jerker post!
if us mama's had a dollar for every time we wished we had done something different along the way….
January 25, 2012Beautiful post!!
Neris / Fashion Fractions
January 25, 2012amazing post and super cute photos! the last one is my favorite 🙂
Fashion Fractions
January 25, 2012Such beautiful photos and a lovely, honest story.
the Momma Bird
January 31, 2012awe thank you ladies – so sweet of you guys!!! I truly appreciate it 🙂
March 24, 2012Definite tear jerker and I can TOTALLY relate! Thanks for sharing!