Geez, you’d think we were torturing her!
I’m home today with my babe while my husband is at work.  She’s gone down for a nap, and I’m getting to work.  That’s the life of a self-employed Mama.  That’s how it goes.  I’ve shared with you some of the ups and downs and things that have come up, but mostly I’ve tried to focus on fashion, thought provoking ideas, and the ridiculousness that is my life.  But if you want to hear more about what I as a self-employed woman go through, as well as hear from other such women, you need to check out Revolutionize Her.  It’s a site that is being launched tomorrow and I’m proud to be a part of it as a contributing writer.  This site is a collection of talented and motivated women who are all self-employed and who want to support and learn from other women just like them. 
So if you want to know more about my struggles and joys, about my failures and my successes, or if you’re a woman who is considering packing in the9-5 and wants to know what it’s like on the other side of corporate life may I suggest checking out this site?  
Tomorrow’s Daily Challenge:
Have no pop or juice today – only fresh squeezed allowed.

For the record, I failed the challenge yesterday.  I didn’t bake.  but I did take baby to the park where we played like mad.  Does that count?