Hey guys, I don’t usually post something about another blog. In fact, I never do. But I stumbled across this fantastic lady and just had to share her blog with you. She’s a photographer and a mom of a little boy named Cash. Now Cash has some medical issues and spends a lot of time in and out of doctor’s offices. And these are the visual chronicles of this Mom’s journey.
Why do I post this?
Two reasons:
One: I’m a new mom and anyone who’s going through a struggle with their child touches me very poignantly right now (and probably forever).
Two: I have a nephew who also struggles with medical issues and I see first hand how hard it is on him and on his parents. But I can’t imagine how much harder it would be with expensive, and mounting medical bills. In that sense we’re really lucky here in Canada.
If you like her work, check out her etsy shop where you can purchase some fabulous shots. And all the proceeds go directly to pay for Cash’s medical bills.
Cierra::The Yellow House
January 26, 2011Thanks so much for spreading the word! Every little bit has helped so very much.
I think when you have a child, your heart & soul fundamentally change. I can't watch certain movies, or listen to certain songs without crying like a baby.
Thank heavens for our children! xoxo
January 26, 2011You're totally right. I was recently reading a book where the father had to abandon a baby because the mother died (set in the 1100s where there was no formula and they were starving – the details aren't important), and I was holding my baby at the time as she fell asleep…and I started crying uncontrollably. I couldn't imagine abandoning my child. It was heartbreaking!