Husband and Drake the Dog cuddling

Baby’s little puppy feet are sooo cute!

I don’t have a look for you to see today.  I know I’m sorry.   I’m working on a special project for you guys for the new year though.  So you’ll forgive me right?  But I thought I could at least chronicle my holidays for you.

We’re at my Mom’s house and it’s just a bunch of lazy, slow days filled with lots of Polish home cooking and cards.  My family is all about the cards – we play this one game that everyone gets really competitive about.  Husband and Babcia trash talk each other – through me.  I have to translate their various insults to one another.  It’s actually really amusing.  And the best part?  They trash talk, I win.  Boo-ya! That’s how it’s done.

Husband’s fabulous parenting skills.

 As I was writing this post, I went in search of Baby and Husband and found the above situation.  In case you can’t tell, he’s readying Vice Magazine – not exactly child rated.  She’s just sprawled on his lap looking at the picture’s.  This is a common scenario in our house – him reading with her sprawled on him, or squirming all around him.  I just stood there shaking my head…and then I got my camera.