



Aztec Top – ThreadSence  //  Jeans – Dittos via Urban Outfitters  //  Bag – Target  //  Boots – Aldo  //  Necklaces – I forget

Being a little MIA last week was intentional.  With my girl off to school for the first full week ever, I wanted to take as much time for myself as possible.  To be honest, I want to do as much of that this week too, but life goes on so I’ll have to do some work after all.

I would drop her off, come home, and then stand in the house wondering what to do with myself.  Cups of tea, and a Sons of Anarchy marathon it was!  Plus, I’ve been playing some computer games that I bought but have never gotten around to….until now.

Yup, things aren’t too bad.  This week has a to do list, but I’m going to tackle it slowly.

How’s your week been?