Category :Romper





Denim Romper – Flying Tomato  //  Kimono – Audrey  //  Sandals – Threadsence  //  Belt – F21  //  Necklace – Monserat de Lucca via Beau & Bauble in Toronto  //  Sunnies – Lace Affair

“Mama,” I hear the whisper.  My eyes open slightly and lying next to me is that little girl I love.  She crawled into bed with me.

“It’s still sleepy time,” I say to her.  A tiny hand drapes over my neck as she cuddles in and I fall asleep.

Half an hour later I wake up, alone. I get up in search of her.  She’s not in her room.  I head downstairs.  When I walk into the living room I see her, sitting crossed legged on the couch, beading.  She looks up at me, “You up?”

“Yes,” I say and sit.  That’s when I notice it.  While I slept, she took off her night diaper, put on her underwear *albeit backwards*, and selected a pair of shorts, which she then donned *albeit coming in from one leg hole so that the waist is actually servicing as her left pant leg*, then went downstairs and started her day.

I know it’s small, but somehow those little acts made me realize how she’s growing up.

Head Under Water

Romper -Hot&Delicious  //  Sandals – F21  //  Hair Bow – Ruche
Underneath I’m wearing my bathing suit, as these pictures were taken on the walk over to the public pool.  My friend Emily and I took Baby Girl swimming.  All three of us had a fun time splashing in the big pool and watching Baby Girl ‘swim’ on her belly.  
But what made me laugh the most was the surprised look on my girl’s face when she stepped just a touch too far and went straight underwater.  That little mouth in a perfect ‘o’ with wide eyes  – just made me burst out laughing.  
She, of course, was less than amused.  So Emily and I hid our giggles. 

1950’s Propaganda Poster

Romper – Honey Punch  //  Tank – Jacob  //  Hat – no label  //  Sweater –  Love Stitch //  Necklace – ModCloth  //  Turquoise bracelet – H&M  // Turquoise & Silver bracelet – unknown  //  Shoes & Sunnies – F21
I only buy cheap sunglasses.  Why?  Because I break them all the time.  I’m just cruel to them.  So of course, when mine broke the day before because I rudely shoved them to the bottom of my purse, I had to get a new pair.  I branched out a bit and went with aviators, and I’ll tell you why.
I wore an almost exact version of this outfit a few days back, and one man said to me, “You look like a 1950’s propaganda poster…but in a good way.”  With this on my brain, it seemed that the only sunglasses I could buy was a pair of cool aviators.  Now I’m so glad I did.  Aviators rock. 
* Remember you Emerging Thoughts, has given ModaMama readers an exclusive discount code – 20% off with code “JOANNA”  I really love this independent shop – it has great selection and great quality.*  
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