Category :Recipe

Gluten and Dairy Free Chocolate Protein Bars


Who doesn’t love a healthy snack right?  So I created these very yummy chocolate protein bars.  So far, everyone – my husband, my daughter, and my mom – loves them and they’re gone faster than you can blink.

Interested?  Here’s what you need:

1.5 cups of wheat free oats
1/2 a cup of rice crisps – adds a little more texture
1/2 cup of chocolate protein powder (I used Vega)
pinch of salt

1/2 each of peanut/almond/cashew (whatever type of nut) butter and maple syrup
A little – spoonful – of coconut oil
Vanilla extract optional
1/3 cup of chocolate chips

First thing, grind the oats into a flour texture – I used a blender.  Then pour into a large bowl.  Add the rice crisps, and protein powder, and salt.  Then pour in the nut butter and maple syrup.  I also like to add a little (teaspoon) vanilla extract, but you don’t have to.  Mix everything together into a nice thick dough like texture.  If it’s too dry – add some coconut milk or almond milk to moisten.  Then pour the mixture into a square pan lined with parchment paper or wax paper.  press it into the pan and flatten it down into an even layer.  Stick in the freezer.

Over very low heat melt the coconut oil and the chocolate chips into a syrup.  Remove from heat. Take out the pan from the freezer and pour the chocolate syrup onto the flattened layer.  Stick it back in the freezer for a few hours.  Cut into squares and enjoy!

Blueberry Kale/Spinach Smoothie




This smoothie is a delicious breakfast when you’re on the go.  Or, as I prefer it, an amazing post training, post run, snack.

1 cup Frozen blueberries
1 cup Spinach or Kale
1 cup Almond or Coconut milk
1/2 avocado
1 tablespoon maple syrup
1 scoop Protein powder
ice cubes
Sprinkle of cinnamon

Combine everything in a blender. Mix and voila!

And it’s a winner with kids too.



You all know I love to juice.  My juicer is probably the most used appliance in the kitchen…other than the kettle.  So inspired by a conversation with a recent dinner guest, I decided to mix it up and make a fun bright green juice.  Ingredients: parsley, cilantro, kale, cucumber, celery, spinach, lemon, and apples.  *the secret is lots of lemon to cut the earthiness of the green leafy veggies*

Baby girl and I shared a cup of this in the backyard under the radiant sunshine. 

Gluten/Dairy Free Protein Bar Recipe

I had a reader who was interested in this recipe, so I thought I’d post it for all of you.  Enjoy!

1/2 cup almond butter
1 cup brown rice syrup
1tsp vanilla extract

2 cups oats
1 cup puffed millet
1 cup puffed rice
1/2 cup brown rice flour
1 tsp cinnamon
1 tblspn greens + or spirulina
1 1/2 cups seed+nut mix

Combine dry ingredients in a large bowl. 
Heat wet ingredients over very low heat until fully melted, stirring occasionally.
Add wet mix to dry mix.
Mix thoroughly with hands.
Spread into oiled pan
Cut and store in fridge or freezer.

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