Category :Cream

Exposure – Or Paying Artists, One Fashion Bloggers Rant

Let’s be honest. Many of you who are online a lot have probably heard of Essena O’Neill and how she quit her instagram modelling account and came clean about the back deals with companies to promote brands.

Butterflies and Muscles Cars


At a street festival, there was a booth that was giving away balloons and stickers.  My Girl walked up and got a red balloon then stood in the line for stickers.  When her time came, the lady held out a large sheet of butterfly stickers.  My girl, ever observant, walked right past her and pointed to the other sheet – the sheet of stickers with cars and trucks on them.

Slightly surprised the lady reached for that sheet and my girl selected a muscle car sticker. A purple muscle car.

I thought:

A) Way to buck gender stereotypes!
B) Way to confidently, and still politely, ask for what you want.
C) The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. I’ll take purple muscle cars over butterflies any day.



Dress – Ruche  //  Necklace – Lucky Brand  //  Rings – Fair Trade and F21  //  Sandals – c/o Easy Spirit

Don’t Text, Call.


 I used to hate the phone.  I hated it because you couldn’t see the person when you talked to them.
I love those moments when you sit – coffee shop, park, whatever – and a silence falls.

People fear silence, but I love it.  There’s a silence that happens when there is comfort.  There’s a silence that happens when you sit with someone – friend or lover – and neither of you feels the need to speak but can instead sit there in each others presence.

That is the best. But now texting has come. And I text a lot. A lot. And I miss the phone.  I find myself missing the call and talking to someone. Hearing their voice and hearing the silence. Texting is even further away from that elusive presence sitting.

So call me. Don’t text. Don’t ever text.



Dress – Arnhem // Belt – Hadley Pollet *thrifted*

Finding Something


What is it that we’re trying to find? What is it? What is that thing we’re all looking for?  Some say it’s happiness. Others contentment. Some says it’s excitement. Others peace. Some say it’s silence. Others the noise of life.

What are you spending a whole lot of time trying to find?  And if I may dare ask the question, is it worth the effort?

So what is it we’re all chasing?  And I wonder if we’ll get fulfillment if we find it.




Pants & Top – ThreadSence  //  Shoes – Modcloth  //  Necklace – vintage  //  Sunnies – F21

Chase You?


Remember the chase?  That whole chase between men and women. The whole dance of he moves, and you either move with him or shut it down.  I like that chase.

I know it’s not cool to say, but I like being chased. I like being wooed. I like when a man pursues and a woman agrees.  Here’s the key of course, it’s a dance, that means two. That means in the chase, the woman consents and agrees to the chase. It’s mutual. Consent. So with that firmly stated….I like the chase.

I like it when a man reaches for you. I like it when he moves to close the distance. Perhaps because I’m so strong and in charge in my life, I like it when a man can reach the same pace as me. When he can be strong and in charge, and I can let go.

‘Course sometimes it’s fun to be in charge too. Don’t get me wrong.
Just saying, I appreciate the chase.



Dress – Lace Affair  //  Earrings & Shoes – I forget  //  Bag – Target

Days of Contentment

The last few days, I danced for probably seven hours combined.  It’s incredible how much energy and emotion is released into the world by the simple act of dance.  I’ve been saying it for years, “Dance it out.” And I always understood Meredith’s *from Grey’s Anatomy* need to have a 30 second dance party. There’s always a good time to dance. 
But more than that, I spent the weekend with the most wonderful people.  Friends, and peers, who despite everyone’s flaws, accept and respect each other. No judgement and no expectations, except for the desire to ‘suck the marrow out of life.’ 




Dress – Spell Designs  //  Boots – F21  //  Bracelet & Small gold ring – ThreadSence  //  Large Gem ring – small fair trade company  //  Flash Tattoos – eBay

Lush Green Trees and a Little Creek


Finding little places like this, low in a valley and hidden from the city, is like entering a secret garden.
Logically, I know that this place is frequented by many.
But emotionally, it feels like my own secret place.
Quiet and undiscovered.

It just begs and cries out for a little twirling and dancing.




Kimono – Spell Designs  //  Top – SheIn  //  Shorts – Target  //  Sandals – Threadsence  //  Hat – I forget  //  Necklaces – Vanessa Mooney and Monserat de Lucca

Free Spirited and Willful Child


I love that my girl is strong willed and free spirited. But does she have to be soooo strong willed and free spirited?  About bed time? And about food?  And about, oh well, everything??? It’s like corralling sheep where the sheep are baring their teeth, not listening, have spikes on their hides, and laser beams shooting at you from their heads.  It’s just like that.

She’s freakin’ cute and sweet as hell, but when that other side comes out, watch out! Plus, you know there’s only so many questions a woman can answer in a day before that questioning inflection at the end of a sentence makes your brains explode.

Obviously, I love that she’s very inquisitive, but dear Lord do I breathe a sigh of relief once she goes to bed and I have no more questions being pelted at me in rapid fire succession.

Pass the wine.




Vest – H&M  //  Cardi – Old Navy  //  Dress – Ruche  //  Boots – Aldo  //  Socks – F21  //  Necklace – FreePeople

On the Road Again


On my bike that is.  My bicycle is tuned up and on the road. I know, I know, some people continue riding all year ’round. I admire those people…..those crazy people. Me? I like to ride my bike when it’s warm – ride all around the city – but not when it’s cold. So there’s this moment in Spring that occurs when the days are reliably warm enough that me and my bike are traipsing about town getting errands done.

It’s also really cool to be able to do that first 30 km ride and be totally fine afterwards.  Here’s to cycle season!




Kimono – Arnhem  //  Romper – Ruche  //  Fedora – ThreadSence  //  Boots – Aldo  //  Necklace – FreePeople  //  Sunnies c/o Woodzee



What do you think of when you hear ‘Serenity’? That soft sun ray breezing through the curtains first thing in the morning.  The smell and feel of a great cuddle with your little one.  That brief humid pause of the world before the rains begin to fall and the clouds break for a thunderstorm.  That sip of tea before everyone else in the house is up and the bustle of the day begins.  A still lake without a ripple seen – untouched and full of potential.

Or if you’re like me you think of Joss Whedon, Malcom Reynolds, River Tam, Zoe, and Wash.
“I am a leaf on the wind.”




Cardigan – Arnhem *I added buttons to make it a dress*  //  Belt & Ring – F21  //  Necklace – Free People  //  Bracelets – Threadsence & Joseph Nogucci  //  Boots – Aldo
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