Category :Scarves

Spelly Service






Kimono – Spell Designs via Turquoise Lane Shop  //  Top – Ruche *old*  //  Jeans – Dittos via UO  //  Necklace – TopShop  //  Scarf – SheInside

I know customer service.  I run my own business, and to me customer service is paramount.  There are many talented people who can deliver a wonderful product, and that’s true of any business.  But what sets certain companies apart is their customer service.

I recently had a terrible experience with a company that shall not be named because I don’t like to speak ill if I can avoid it.  Without getting into details, they did not disclose certain aspects of the product and were downright rude when I contacted them regarding it, and did nothing to resolve the situation.  The whole experience left a bad taste in my mouth – metaphorically.  I will certainly never shop there again.

What’s poignant is that at the same time I had an issue arise with Spell.  It was simply an unfortunate series of events, with no one being at fault per se.  They could have done what the other company did, which was essentially to say, “Whatever. What are you gonna do about it?” But no.

Not only did Elizabeth, one of the owners, contact me and make sure I was taken care of, but also Emma, one of the customer service reps, was methodical in her resolution.  They went above and beyond.  Above and beyond what I hoped, and certainly above what I expected.

By doing so, I felt like I was valued not just for my credit card number, but valued as a person who they want to have great retail relationship with.  I feel like customer service is about the bigger picture: knowing what your company’s mission statement and attitude is towards others.  And Spell certainly has a very positive one.

Plus, the clothes are super awesome!  That Hendrix jacket on my dreamlist. And clearly, not even a snowstorm will stop me from wearing one of their kimonos.

*linking up with Trend Spin*

If You Can’t Beat ‘Em, Join ‘Em





Cardigan – ThreadSence  //  Lace top – FreePeople  //  Corduroys – Gap  //  Boots – Locale  //  Scarf – SheInside

That’s the saying isn’t it?  Well, it’s a full on snowy gray winter here, so I guess since I can’t beat it and I have tried, I might as well join in.   It seems that no amount of wishing and hoping, and wearing bright colors and lace dresses will make this bitter chill or tufts of snow leave.

I think the time has come to embrace the snow and the cold and see what will happen.  The least I can do is try to make the white and gray as fabulous as possible.

p.s. I think it’s awesome that no one noticed that I got rid of my highlights and dyed my hair back to dark brown about a month ago.  I guess it was only a dramatic to me.  It always is. 

No Pants





Romper/Jumpsuit – ThreadSence //  Top – Gap  //  Boots – Aldo  //  Scarf – thrifted  //  Necklace – Lustre Boutique

Lately, despite my sheer love for them, I’ve been wearing very few dresses.  The fault I believe lies in the discomfort while I was ill that has carried over subconsciously, and the general Winter malaise that tends to set in this time of year.

Plus, it’s damn cold!  That alone is enough to chase a girl away from tights to the double layers of tights and pants.  Plus, the abundance f cute pants and rompers in my closet doesn’t hurt.

No worries, the dresses will reappear shortly. I promise.


Woman at Work



Cardigan & Top – UO  //  Pants – Free People  //  Boots – Locale //  Scarf – SheInside

This day I was on my way to assist at a shoot all day.  So the mantra of the day was comfortable, movable *to lift and adjust gear etc* and no jewelry *you don’t want it getting caught on some lever*

Since I couldn’t use accessories to brighten my wardrobe, I went for what Andrew calls ‘loud’ pants.  I love a good paisley.  Much more so than a floral, and this grey and cream pant was perfect.  They’re a bit big *they were on sale and the size left was a touch bigger than mine* so once I break them in it’ll need a good belt, but I kind of like the baggy boyfriend cord look once in a while.

Jedi Knight Fashion




Fringe Sweater – SheInside  //  Dress & Boots – ThreadSence  //  Blanket Scarf – UO  //  Socks – Free People  //  Leggings – H&M

No surprise, I would love to be in a Star Wars film, and put my sword skills to good use with a light saber.  That dream is right up there with being in a Star trek show/movie, and fighting Jet Li in a scene – any scene.  If I could achieve all three of those, I could die right there and then a happy woman.

In the meantime, I’ll snap up little things like this hooded blanket scarf that allow me to play subtle Jedi knight dress up in my daily life.

What’s that line? “If you build it, they will come.”  If I wear it, Yoda will come?

It’s That Time of Year






Cardigan & Jeans   –
UO    //  Top – Free People  //  Scarf – I forget *old*  //  Boots – Locale  //  Necklace – Monserat de Lucca via Beau and Bauble

That time where it gets so cold that I can barely stand leaving my house.  That time where I literally run outside for two minutes to grab outfit photos because that’s all I can bare.  Yup, it’s that time.  Where I laugh and shake my head at my own stupidity for going outside at all.

Happy Winter!

There’s A Grumpy-Pants Pattern





Kimono/Cardigan  – ThreadSence  //  Pants – Le Chateau  //  Top – Free People  //  Scarf – Kensie  //  Boots – Locale  //  Belt – Lucky Brand  // Bracelets *old* – Ruche , ThreadSence, F21  //  Earrings – I forget

I notice that in the last few posts there’s a distinct trend.  It’s because when travelling *grandparents on both sides for Christmas* and when I feel a bit sleepy/grumpy *which I have been* I tend to go for the uniform that I mentioned on Monday.

Yup, that’s the explanation.  Even with tights, it’s just really hard to get dressed in dresses when it’s cold.  Plus somehow, pants are easier when you’re a grumpy-pants.

What do you go for as grumpy-pants clothes?

No Hats In Bed






Cardigan/Kimono & Dittos Jeans – UO  //  Top – Free People  //  Scarf – made by me  //  Boots – Locale  //  Bracelets – gifts  //  Earrings – F21

A few nights ago, my girl was crying in her sleep.  I went into her room to investigate why:

“Shhhh, why are you crying,” I asked as I stroked her hair.
In her sleep she answered, “I don’t want to wear a hat!”
“You don’t want to wear a hat?”
“Well, you’re in bed, so you don’t have to wear a hat, okay?”
She nodded and nuzzled into her blankie.

This whole conversation in her sleep.

Weekend Uniform…







Skull Kimono Cardigan – Fitzroy Boutique  //  Tee – gift from Europe  //  Flared Jeans – Dittos via UO  //  Scarf – SheInside  //  Fedora – ThreadSence  //  Necklace – Monserat de Lucca via Beau and Bauble

…that’s what the t-shirt says. And though as a freelancer there is no such thing as ‘weekend,’ if I were to have a *winter* weekend uniform this would be it: jeans, boots *though you can’t see them*, big cardi/kimono, slouchy top, and scarf.

With fringe.  You just know that something would have to have fringe.
And a fun pattern/graphic – like this tee and sweater.

Okay, so I guess my uniform is pretty specific.

Happy Christmas






Embroidered Top – Free People  //  Jeans – Dittos via – UO  //  Scarf – SheInside  //  Boots – Locale  //  Leaf Necklace – F21  //  Long Necklace – Topshop  //  Camisole – I forget

I hope you all spend the day in comfort with great food, surrounded by those you love, forgetting all your troubles.  And never looking back.

Love to you all!

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