Category :Press

Focus On The Beauty

Tank – gift; Jeans – Guess; Sandals – Rocketdog; Bag – F21 (my patches)

Ever have a mixed bag of a day?  Some wonderful time with Baby, a great visit with some friends, a great rehearsal *see some pics here* , and then just some poo-ey other stuff.  It’s crazy how we let the one crappy thing overshadow the great things in our life.  I’m guilty of that.  I just couldn’t shake that down feelin’ despite the beauty of the day.    I really should focus on the things that make me so blessed  and not the things that bring me down *and that I have no control over*.  

On that note, an article I wrote is now up on the Mommy Connections East Toronto website.  Check it out! 

Someone’s Written About Me!

Hey check me out over here today! Fragileheart has written a deliciously sweet entry about me.  She’s so wonderful with her words she makes me blush.

It secretly makes me jump with glee!

Okay, maybe not so secretly.

Pardon My Blushing

You know Ruche is one of my favorite online shopping destinations, right?  Well, they have done something that makes me jump, clap and giggle like a little girl.  *yippeee!* Check out Ruche’s blog!  They feature some shots of a familiar lady!

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