In the movie “French Kiss” with Meg Ryan and Kevin Kline there’s these two scenes where they discuss the fact that he’s not a fan of people and not a very ‘happy’ person. Part of the reason is that he doesn’t express his feelings. Now I do express my feelings – just ask anyone. I’m pretty open about how I feel at the moment and how I feel about a person. Which makes it easier for people to know where they stand with me, I’d like to think.
But I’m not an extrovert. So in a similar way to Kevin Kline I’m not a huge fan of people and not what you would classify as a ‘happy’ person. You know, cheerful, positive, energetic, bouncy….’happy.’ I’m sarcastic, acerbic, intelligent, quirky, with a dry wit. I’d like to think I’m kind, but I’m also awkward and aloof. Hey, that’s me, what can you do?
This is all to say, that I’m going to be “One of those grumpy old [people] sitting in the back of the cafe going, *said in French accent* ‘My ass is twitching. You people make my ass twitch‘”
Watch the movie, you’ll get it.