Category :Montreal

Montreal Je T’aime: Dramatic Darkening

  Necklace – Etsy
Dress – Monteau
Shoes – Payless

Another outfit from the trip to Montreal.  You can’t tell because sadly, I didn’t get detail pics of it, but I’m wearing my Daenerys Stormborn necklace.  If you don’t know what I’m talking about, then you won’t understand the cool factor…or the nerd factor.

Side Note – No make-up (just a load of white sunscreen), and humidity flat hair, but whatever.  I’m not always a supermodel *read: never*

As the sky darkened with drama we changed and headed out for dinner and drinks.  But more on that later.

Montreal Je T’aime: Part 2

Day two in Montreal was spent with a climb up Mont Royal for the view, a line up at Schwatrz’ deli for their amazing smoked meat *and I do mean ah-may-zing!* and just seeing more of this fabulous city.

Dress – Ruche
Belt & Ring – F21
Necklace – Beau and Bauble

The one thing that I wasn’t a fan of was the high humidity while we were there.  My hair just went limp and it nearly drove me to the point of cutting it all off *not really, I’m just being dramatic*  But I did have to find new and fast ways of pinning it out of the way.  Some were more successful than others.  
Oh by the way, yes I did go to the top of Mont Royal in a pretty ruffle dress and ballerina flats while everyone else was jogging and biking in full exercise gear.  Why?  Because I didn’t bring any sneakers, and because I like a pretty ruffle dress and don’t see why a gravel path means I can’t wear one. 

Montreal Je T’aime Part 1

Dress – Smart Set
Shoes – Payless
Jewelry – c/o Bijous Caro
Our first day in Montreal was bittersweet.  The sweet being a wonderful receptionist who upon hearing it was our anniversary decided to gift me an entire set of her handmade jewelry!  Right up out of nowhere she asked me to choose a piece.  When I chose the necklace, she said, “Well, this is part of a set” and she reached for the matching bracelet and earrings as well.  I was stunned by this sudden wave of generosity!  The other sweet:  The delicious duck breast in espresso and honey sauce that I had for dinner.  And for the bitter, it rained, poured down on us as we rushed back to the hotel in the evening.
But the street performers were our entertainment throughout the entire weekend!
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