Category :Metallic Tattoos

Days of Contentment

The last few days, I danced for probably seven hours combined.  It’s incredible how much energy and emotion is released into the world by the simple act of dance.  I’ve been saying it for years, “Dance it out.” And I always understood Meredith’s *from Grey’s Anatomy* need to have a 30 second dance party. There’s always a good time to dance. 
But more than that, I spent the weekend with the most wonderful people.  Friends, and peers, who despite everyone’s flaws, accept and respect each other. No judgement and no expectations, except for the desire to ‘suck the marrow out of life.’ 




Dress – Spell Designs  //  Boots – F21  //  Bracelet & Small gold ring – ThreadSence  //  Large Gem ring – small fair trade company  //  Flash Tattoos – eBay

Staying Chic in the Winter with Maxi Skirts and Dresses





Skirt & Cardigan – Ruche  //  Top – UO  //  Belt – I forget  //  Boots – ThreadSence  //  Bag – thrifted  //  Metallic tattoo – eBay

Sometimes I think I’m completely crazy.  On this day, on one of the coldest Februarys on record, I took off all my layers and posed for the camera to grab outfit shots.  Yup, completely certifiable.

But seriously, maxi skirts and dresses are a great way to stay chic during the colder months because they look great but also allow for leggings and thigh high wool socks underneath….which you can bet that I had on!  It’s all about the layers and layers I tell ya.

What’s awesome is that right now, I’m in Miami.  Enjoying the much warmer temps.  See you in a few days and expect some much warmer and funner pictures.  Ones where I’m not wondernig if I’ve gotten frostbite on my clavicle.


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