Category :Mens Fashion

CoffeeTalk Vlog: Men’s Fashion *AKA: crutches, cords, and country bumpkins*


Special guest star Adam Ward talks about how he gets ready for a first date, and the various things that he hates in fashion. Plus, how to accessorize a set of crutches  *Otherwise known as:  the death of style*  Also, if you’re in Toronto, check out Adam’s show on April 6th.

Lastly,  I’m still collecting questions for an ask me anything post/vlog.  So far I have a few but feel free to leave them as comments, or email me at joanna.haughton(at)

Look For Your Guy

I saw this ad for Bloomingdales in Husband’s Detail magazine, and I just wanted to share it with you guys.  I think it’s such a great casual look for a man.  So well put together, but also so comfortable.  I love it when guys put effort into how they look but don’t go overboard into something that’s too polished.  For my man, I’d like the cuffs rolled down and the shoes done up, but for the photo it works.

What’s your favorite look on your guy?

Quote of Today:
“He’s got corn hanging out his butt”
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